Automatic Guided Vehicle

Automatic Guided Vehicle

Application scenarios

Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) are small robots that drive everything from mobile robots, carts, trailers and self-driving forklifts. Compared to traditional manually driven vehicles, AGVs require no human intervention, have a higher degree of accuracy and significantly reduce the risk of damaging merchandise, pallets and racks. As a result, AGVs can increase production and warehousing efficiency with a lower investment. For safety reasons, the motors of AGVs need to provide constant high torque for acceleration under load, while maintaining precise control for dynamic stopping.

RB motor offers a range of DC brush and DC brushless motors for AGV applications. These motors are matched with gearboxes, encoders and brakes to meet the requirements of small size, high efficiency and precise positioning. These motors are also capable of operating in harsh environments and extreme temperature ranges with low noise levels.




Recommended motor model

RB Motor

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